by Jo | Aug 6, 2014 | Communications
In 2012 I was in a conference session where we were challenged to find a ‘tribe’ (from Seth Godin’s book ‘Tribes’). Two years later and I invited the students’ union communications tribe down to Brighton for the third Comms by...
by Jo | Feb 1, 2012 | Other Internet things
My response to the whole ‘bus babe’ thing is now online at the Guardian. Sadly when I submitted it I was warned the comments might get a bit heated and it looks like they are. Contrary to some of them I wasn’t paid for my response. This is my...
by Jo | Jan 31, 2012 | Customer Service, Other Internet things
So today was a fairly normal until my email to my local bus company went slightly viral in the news. I basically took the afternoon off work to respond to it and watch bemusedly as it grew and travelled online. I certainly didn’t expect to be searching Twitter...
by Jo | Mar 9, 2011 | Customer Service
Boo Scottish Power (my new electricity supplier) for charging me much more than I think you should Yey Scottish Power for letting me book a callback at a specific time. I hate calling customer service lines, being held in a queue, being told you’re a valued...