So today was a fairly normal until my email to my local bus company went slightly viral in the news. I basically took the afternoon off work to respond to it and watch bemusedly as it grew and travelled online. I certainly didn’t expect to be searching Twitter for ‘bus babe’ when I woke up this morning.

When I thought it was just my local paper that was covering the ‘story’ I thought about sending them a response and maybe creating a jokey hashtag but as it spread further than that I set up a tumblr to keep track of the coverage – and a hashtag #dontcallmebabe. My response will be posted on the Guardian website tomorrow (so now I’m basically Charlie Brooker right?)

I guess that some of this isn’t that unrelated to things I blog about; customer service and the internet. Normal (sporadic) digital marketing posting will resume shortly but for now I just thought I’d post about my (very very small) brush with internet fame.