Email marketing analysis : Oxfam Unwrapped

As an email ninja I get very few email newsletters that I’m not interested in or don’t read so it was interesting to see how many people on my course have written about emails that they don’t open. I decided to write about one of the emails I pretty...

Viral cats (not cats with viruses)

“I had never heard of Cravendale milk until Bertrum Thumbcat came along… I bought my first carton today and it’s quite tasty! Yes, I am a slave to advertising … and to thumbed cats.” From What would happen...

Am I really a valued customer?

Boo Scottish Power (my new electricity supplier) for charging me much more than I think you should Yey Scottish Power for letting me book a callback at a specific time. I hate calling customer service lines, being held in a queue, being told you’re a valued...

Driving business online

At last year’s TFM&A exhibition, Steve Lomax from Experian CheetaMail (who have a range of white papers on email marketing available for download) gave a presentation about email marketing which you can watch online. In it, he gives an overview of how email...

Thoughts from TFM&A – tying social and email together

Today I went to the Technology For Marketing & Advertising (TFM&A) show in London where my time was spent alternating between making apologetic faces at exhibitors (no I don’t have thousands of pounds to spend on your shiny software) and scribbling pages...